Thursday, July 10, 2014

you can sink a ship
you can drown my baby
you can poke my boy's eyes out 
with a wooden stick
but you can never
wound the heart of a wounded soul
you can never 
NEVER come close to me
with your guns, and bombs, and gas
even when they tear my family to pieces
I am a woman who stands tall 
although I feel small
I am a woman who holds hands with my sisters
I am a woman who will look you in the eye
and point your silly gun away from me
I am a woman who will demand that you ask your mother
if what you think is true
I am a woman who will stand between you 
and my child
I am a woman who will forgive you when you put your weapons down
as we bow our heads together
I am a woman who will build a fire, tend to it
and cook dinner for us all
I am a woman who will dance until joy sings
I am a woman who will demand the end of insanity
and the beginning of truth
i am a woman
whose tears
nourish the earth

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