Saturday, November 12, 2022

 i wish i had known

when i was a girl
that the patriarchy
meant following
white men's rules
fuck that shit
i would have joined the revolution sooner
let it begin

Sunday, October 2, 2022

 Is it rules based order when one government says so or is that just more smoke being blown up my ass?

Today Justin Trudeau called on the morality police!! That's laughable and frankly, pathetic.
"Trudeau slaps new sanctions on Iran's 'morality police' as protests grip the country" (CBC headline)
Where were the morality police when women and girl's bodies were being dragged out of Canadian and Saudi Arabian rivers and ditches? Seriously, where were they?
How does our so called feminist prime minister square his thinking on which oppressed women he will support and which ones he will throw under the bus?
In case we want to check under our own hood, I'd like to remind the regime that sex trafficking is the fastest growing crime in Canada and although Indigenous people are 5% of the population, they are over 50% of the women and girls who are trafficked. The average age of a trafficked Indigenous girl is 13.
We, women and girls, will not stand for your hypocrisy any longer. We demand that you truly stand for women by smashing the patriarchal noose around our necks.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

 the life of a monarch: 'whoa, fuck! (shakes her head) I used to be a worm and now i have wings!! yoda: yes padawan, you can fly" Monarch: 'Fuck me, really???' yoda 'yes padawan, trust in yourself'

and then the monarch flittered away against a blue sky filled with wonder.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

 the gentle scent of sweet magnolia

makes room for the constant, repetitive, droning
yet somehow soothing squee of the cicadas

i recently watched a vietnam war movie
made in vietnam
and one of the soldiers kept a cicada in his pocket
to remind him of home
right up to the day he was blown to bits

i don't know what happened to the cicada
as much as i don't know what will happen to us
if we keep all this bullshit up.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

 dearest warmongers

he who hath brought wrath
upon every shore
he who hath destroyed
the very souls
created in his own image
and destroyed again
make way
for the final runway
where beauty
and consequence

Friday, April 15, 2022

 The Knowledge Keepers

the ones whose small bones

end up in graveyards

where solitude prevails

the ones who carry water

the ones who light the fire

i am with you

Monday, January 10, 2022

 dear anti vaxxer,

eat shit and die
dear western governments, 
don't hoard vaccines
dear humans, 
take care of each other 
and make soup.