you know i'm in my living room
watching the lizard
he's one of my greatest teachers
one of them
you know i'm thinking about changing the world
not just a little shift here and there
not a pop!
or even a burst!
a burning schoolhouse won't do
i'm thinking about seriously shifting
the trajectory of humanity
manifesting peace on earth
some call it heaven on earth
i call it something between
laughter and orgasm
or maybe a laughing orgasm?
an orgasming laugh?
some call it our buddha nature
a state of being that
transcends all states of being
when i speak of gazelles
and puppets
dancing that lasts for days
joyous parties and a porch on every house
when i talk of dropping everything and
all of us joining hands
to walk to the apartheid walls
in gaza
and tearing them down
you call me naiive, silly, a little girl
well i am not
and i am
and anyways it doesn't really matter
i am a warrior
of my heart
i am a warrior
of my soul
and i am still breathing