The Forget Me Nots
crazy wild blooms
poking, prodding,
inserting themselves into conversations
either welcome or dismissed
through cracks and impossible crevices
it doesn't matter to you
fanciful, whimsical
bold and wild
pretty yet coy
my eye catches your elegant, delicate limbs
dancing atop eager soil
daring the sun to warm you
sprinking of organza
show off
always needing to be first
how dare i forget you
i forget you not
poking, prodding,
inserting themselves into conversations
either welcome or dismissed
through cracks and impossible crevices
it doesn't matter to you
fanciful, whimsical
bold and wild
pretty yet coy
my eye catches your elegant, delicate limbs
dancing atop eager soil
daring the sun to warm you
sprinking of organza
show off
always needing to be first
how dare i forget you
i forget you not