Thursday, May 30, 2013

you know when you're in a mosh pit
and you fall down
and you think, holy fuck
there's nothing but boots around my face
and you think to yourself
i have to get myself up
and then
instead of you getting yourself up
there are four hands pulling you up
strangers hands....
well imagine if the world was like that

Monday, May 27, 2013

a thousand years ago
you touched my cheek 
and i was yours..
a thousand years ago
as we danced in a field of wildflowers
and we bathed in the fullness of the moon
as you kissed my lips
and stole my breath
a thousand years ago
magically cloaked in the warmth of your love
my soul became one with the universe
a thousand years ago, steeped in the mystery 
of the ancestors
divine feminine and masculine
i found the ecstasy of eternity
in your eyes
a thousand years ago
a thousand years ago
a thousand years ago

Sunday, May 19, 2013

for as many times as i've hated you
i've loved you twice as much
cobwebs are getting a clean spring sweep
and i see the truth written in the clouds

Friday, May 10, 2013

my grandma dies of alzheimers
i wonder about her choice
and i'm starting to see the value
just before she died she had changed everything about her life
the way she liked her coffee, the way she liked to dress
she said 'fuck the world', i'm doing it my way now
we blame it on a failed brain
but what is failed about making choices
about how we choose to live our lives
every time i kissed her goodbye i told her,
i love you grandma
and she looked me in the eye
and said
i love you too
matriarchal lineage runs deep

Friday, May 3, 2013

the foreplay has left the building
game on
out of the gate
i smile and enjoy the bliss