Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Hey hive mind! I started to re-write the USA National Anthem. Please add if you have ideas! 'bombs bursting in air, people shouting with cheer, while the soldiers locked and loaded while the N****ers weren't aware. oh say does that star blood-soaked banner yet saaaay, for the land of the asleep and the home..... of the.... sheep!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

 the dying eyes

of the children of Palestine
are shards of shrapnel
and windows

Sunday, June 2, 2024

 here's how i think sex with netanyahu would go

Monday, May 20, 2024


Lilacs in a spring rain smell so beautiful

Lily of the valley, foret-me-nots


Me not

Please do not forget me

Says the little boy whose legs have been blown off

Please do not forget me says the little girl whose enire family has  been killed

All blooms


And tend and tend

Until there is nothing to


No more.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

 the endgame. a story yet to be told. i wonder why and i wonder where and then i skip and dance and laugh

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

 if you quiver you do it

if you rage you do it
f you fear you do it
f you cry you do it
if you hesitate you do it
f you cringe you do it
if you wail you do it
if your gut tells you you do it
f you falter you do it
if you believe you do it
if you are fearless

you do it

Monday, February 26, 2024

 i've written and unwritten so much since october 7. so many thoughts and emotions. so much rage. never in my life have i felt more impotent, and in the face of broken systems, i have felt impotent many times. i am trying so hard to believe in a world where this madness ends and that the US, its allies and especially Israel will be seen and treated as the pariahs that they are. that's the only justice i can see right now, through my tears of abject sadness and rage. please don't stop raging, writing, singing, dancing, screaming, crying, rallying, demanding, resisting, resisting, resisting, speaking truth to power, fearlessly. don't stop. please don't stop.