Sunday, December 8, 2019

Nothing that i can think of gives me greater joy than taking Ella to the river, letting her off leash and watching her play while i meditate with the river. 

Ella smells everything....she scopes out all the places where people have camped...finds some very interesting things...

and then races to the river at full speed, throws her little nose in and then goes again full tilt through the forest like it was an obstacle course designed just for her. 

and in a split second she will go from running to calm because something caught her nose on the way by....

she comes to check on me every few minutes as i sit and stare and then she runs off again on her next adventure. 

i wonder if she knows that when i grow up i want to be just like her.

Friday, November 29, 2019

OK i have to tell you what I did on black friday......i got up, rubbed my stupid puppy's tummy, contemplated throwing something in the slow cooker but opted for a long bubble bath (longer than usual) instead, chatted with some soulmates, listened to a few tunes, got ready for work, walked a few people through a few crises, took a break, ate a great lunch and met some new people, came home, chilled with my first born and got caught up on some shit, tidied the kitchen a bit, played with the stupid dog again, put my feet up and then went out with 3 beautiful goddessess to hear danny michel at lmc. i laughed, i sang i cried. and now i'm basking. thank you life 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

all i wanted was for you to show me 
that you loved me in some way...
to feel magic again
to look in your eyes and see love
reflected deep in my soul
to feel your heartbeat next to mine
to laugh, to cry, to dream

with you

my breaths are shorter now
fighting to not take it all in
but we all know resistance is futile
in the war of love

my heart will always be with you
you'll find me in the darkness
and maybe even in the light

Monday, November 4, 2019

happy places wash our minds 
of the insanity 
 the internal stew 
brewing for revolution
cry out! cry out !  

the screams of the lunatic 
who dares to speak of the moon and stars 
while gently rocking herself to sleep 
on an endless 
summer night sky

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dear Canada
maybe we got what we needed
maybe we got what we deserved
maybe we can plant some wildflowers
and pull up some parking lots
maybe there is more room for many voices
Our voices must continue to be heard
in every single corner of this country
yet our borders do not define us
We are global citizens
and it would be cool if we all stopped killing the earth

Saturday, September 28, 2019

I have been and will always be
best the world knows this upfront.
i have finally found the right kind of trouble
trouble that challenges the dominant paradigm
trouble that violates policies and procedures
trouble that asks difficult questions
trouble that seeks to disrupt
trouble that gets into a lot of fun.
finding my tribe has been a series of fortunate events
today i hear their voices
their heartbeats
their song
in every choice i make
i hear the echo of hope, desire and freedom
like a gentle humming of bees
blissfully sucking on nectar
i carry my mother, and her mother
and her mother before
with pride
and resounding determination
don't fuck with the mother
just don't

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

the fallout
avoid at all costs
yet it happens anyway
don't be stupid
say your truth

Saturday, May 18, 2019

go away from me
my flower
blooms in your shadow
and sucks the earth
to bloom again

Saturday, April 27, 2019

my life is a garden of wildflowers
to tend and admire and love
you are indian paintbrush
stroking the sky with waves of colour
as you reach and stretch and dream
born from the ashes of the earth
to be wild and beautiful and free